Weekly Update for the Week of July 16th

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Where we've been this week

Last week we completed jobs in Browns Bay, Cooks Bay, Seton Channel, Crystal Bay
and a particularly large job in Smith Bay. Over the weekend we went out to Forest
Lake and West Arm Bay for weeding services as well. We also ended up in Amery,
Wisconsin to install an aqua thruster. It has been a busy summer so far, but we
wouldn’t have it any other way!

What we experienced

Last week we completed the thickest job so far this summer in Smith Bay. To efficiently clear
the amount of weeds that were at this location, we brought in two harvesters,
which is something we have never done before. All of those weeds had to go
somewhere, and, luckily, the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District (LMCD) was at
the Maxwell Landing at the same time we arrived with heaps of weeds. The LMCD
crew gave us a helping hand in offloading our weeds, which kept us moving
efficiently on to the next job.

What to look out for

As we get further into the summer we’re seeing more Eurasian watermilfoil,
particularly in Brown’s Bay. Early in the season, the majority of the weed issues
stemmed around coontail, but now that we have entered the midsummer season,
weeds like Eurasian watermilfoil are becoming more and more prevalent each
week. At this time of the season, we can also expect to see weeds that prefer warmer
water conditions, like eel grass (commonly known as wild celery) and narrow-leaf
pondweed, popping up in the next few weeks. On the upside, we’re looking forward
to our new staff members, Mike and Maddie, starting this week and for homeowners
to receive the Premier Lake Harvesting midsummer postcard, so check your mail!

Weekly advice

“Remove sea celery quickly! Don’t wait! Once it gets thick, it becomes extremely
labor intensive and creates a mess for you and your neighbors. A lot of people wait
until it becomes a nuisance, but by then it becomes a maintenance nightmare.”

–Adam, Owner of PLH